If a group of doctors wants to join IMA & there is no local branch available in that particular area than they may follow the guidelines to apply for the new local branch of IMA. If the state IMA Executive body found it feasible than they recommend the proposal to IMA HQ.

  1. Make minimum 20-50 NEW IMA life members in an area where anyone wants to open a new local branch of IMA.
  2. All Members must be of Life members. They may be single or couple.
  3. Apply to the State Secretary for the same in triplicate.
  4. Deposit the HFC (which is decided by IMA HQ for that time) & New Branch fee in State IMA Account
  5. After putting the case in Executive body, the State Secretary will refer the proposal to IMA HQ with its recommendations. IMA HQ will accept it in CWC meeting.
  6. Maximum Number of members may be any but it is recommended that if any branch is having more than 200-250 members than a new branch may be constructed (dividing the branch in different geographical area ) for better operation
  7. There may be any number of branches in one district in different geographical area.
  8. Women Wing branches (be act as a separate local branch) are also in plan to women empowerment.
IMA wings in Medical College

  1. Medical College Teachers Wing (all faculty members must be life members of IMA)
  2. Resident doctors wing (all resident doctors must be life members of IMA)
  3. Medical students wing ( They will be our associate members with the payment of Rs 100/- only as registration fee)


  1. Better operation of functions
  2. Better implementations of National Health Programs of IMA
  3. Smaller group may be more close so more homely
  4. More & More persons will get chance to show their leadership quality or their hidden abilities to do many works of public/ association’s interest
  5. More familial get-togethers so more social happiness among doctors
  6. Branch will work not only as a close social group but also as a good professional group

Elected Office-Bearers in local branch (11 to 20)

  1. President (1)
  2. Vice-President ( 1 to 3)
  3. Secretary (1)
  4. Joint Secretary (1 to 2)
  5. Treasurer (1)
  6. Executive Committee members (7 to 11)