What is IMA?

What is Indian Medical Association (IMA)?

Indian Medical Association (IMA) is the only representative largest voluntary organization of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the wellbeing of the community at large.

Address of Headquarter at Delhi :

IMA House, Indraprasta Marg, New Delhi-110002, India

Phone: 91-11-23370009, 9999116375, 9999116376

E Mail: hsg@ima-india.org

Brief History

The Association was started in the 5th conference held at Calcutta on 28th December, 1928 under the President ship of Dr G V Deshmukh. In the year 1930, the all India Medical Association (IMA) and the body was duly registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Since 1930 headquarter of IMA was in Calcutta till it was shifted to Delhi in January 1949. Today IMA is a well-established organization with its Headquarters at Delhi. Today it has Branches in almost all the States and all union Territories. It has more than 3 lakh doctors as its members through more than 1700 local branches spread all over the country.

What are the objectives?

  1. Promotion and Advancement of Medical and allied sciences in all their different branches.
  2. The improvement of public Health and Medical Education in India.
  3. The maintenance of honour and dignity of medical profession.