Why Should I join Indian Medical Association?


When you become a life Member of IMA, you become a part of the largest All India Medical Orgnisation of doctors of Modern Medicine which has got over 1700 local branches & above 2.5 lakh members all over India. IMA is the largest Medical N.G.O  Governmental organisation. You get the following benefits.


1.                  IMA Life Membership is transferable to other local branches all over India.

2.                  You can join our activities and be part of our family of 5220 members.

3.                  Medical Directory of IMA Rajasthan Branch members is given free as & when update.

4.             You can get concession of 50% in rent on booking of IMA. Lawns & AC Hall for marriage / functions for self and children.

5.                  You can get concession in buying new cars, concession in car insurance, mediclaim, overseas insurance etc.

6.                  Medico- legal cell for you medico legal problem is at you service.

7.                  C.M.E. programmes are arranged at regular intervals to update I.M.A. members.

8.                Social Security Scheme of IMA Rajasthan State is available for the monetary help to the family members of IMA Life members. At present after the death of a member, Social Security Scheme pays Rs. 3 lakhs to the next to kin of the deceased. This amount keeps on increasing as the membership increase.

9.            You can join Professional Protection Scheme of IMA Rajasthan State. This is the scheme by the doctors, for the doctors and of the doctors. Premium is comparable with more benefits and transparency. The scheme will take care of your medical negligence incidence, will provide reputed lawyers, all the legal advice and expert medical opinion to its members and will also bear the expenses of the case.

10.              Group Health Insurance Scheme is available for members and their families.

11.              JIMA �thly bulletin of IMA Headquarter is sent free to all members.

12.              Guest room facilities are available at various IMA local branches as well as at HQs. new Delhi on your visite.

13.         IMA takes active part in solving problems of medical students, resident doctors, medical teachers and doctors in private and public employment or service. Due to active role and unity of IMA branches, we were successful in persuading the Government of Maharashtra to bring out an ordinance to prevent assaults on doctors and winning all 9 seats by AMC-IMA -MGMOA Panel in Maharashtra Medical Council Election 2009.

14.             Felicitations to the prominent medical personalities and dedicated IMA members on 1st July Doctors Day every year.

15.              The membership fee will be revised form 01st April 2010.

16.       90% Membership fee of Railwayŭployee will be reimburse by the Railway Board, Government of India (letter Enclosed)

Membership Fee after

01st April 2010

Single life: Rs. 4910.00/-

Couple life: Rs. 7370.00/-


Hony. State Secretary IMA Rajasthan